Parrots do not like loneliness and so it is good to have them in pairs
The parrotThe bat (Melopsittacus undulatus – Budgie or Budgerigar), also known as the giraffe wavy or common parrot, is native to Australia and lives in small or large flocks. He has a stable partner, with whom he usually stays together throughout his life. So it would be good to make sure that your budgie has another parrot for company, if you want the pet to feel at home with you. In case this is not possible, you should be careful so that this social bird does not feel alone.
Can I have a budgie alone as a pet?
If you want to have a single budgie parrot as a pet, you need to realize what exactly it means to be alone in a cage. Common parrots are social animals and do not like loneliness. If these little active parrots are left alone for several hours a day, they soon lose their vitality and joy for life, they sit silently intheir perches and thrive. In case you still do not want to have a second parrot, it is extremely important that someone is at home most hours of the day to keep company with your winged friend. Living close to people, very soon the young budgies become day and devoted, and accept human company as a “substitute for a bird company”. Just as in nature budgie couples spend some hours of the day grooming their mate, so your pet budgie at home will sit on your shoulder, for example, and gently pinch your earlobe.
Enjoy the conversation!
Lively parrots love liveliness and want to participate in family activities. When you chat, your winged friend will “chat” with you “tweeting” happily and will want to overshadow your voices. Some budgies even learn their mate’s “song” and can parrot a few words.
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Many birds together
If you do not have as much free time, you should have two or more birds. If you do not want them to reproduce, it is best tocage to have birds of the same sex. Two male birds do well in a large cage, especially if they have been together since the beginning. It is an eye-opener to observe how affectionate animals interact with each other. However, despite coexisting with other birds of their species, most parrots seek to be close to humans and to hang out with them. If you have a large cage, where you host a flock of budgie parrots, the only sure thing is that you will be thrilled by the fascinating social behavior of your colorful winged friends.
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Different species of birds together
If you want to have other species of birds in the cage besides budgie parrots, you must be careful not to choose smaller and weaker birds. Budgie parrots are often depicted in photos along with canaries and spotted finches, but these species of birds are not suitable for cohabitation. Thelovebirds , also known as “love birds” or “inseparable companions”, also find it very difficult to hang out with budgie parrots.
In a large cage you can comfortably accommodate small parrots with quail. These live at the bottom of the cage. In order for the birds to have some peace from the naughty budgie, you need to place a small house where they can retreat to relax and rest.
Small parrots do well with related bird species, such as cockatoos (Nymphicus hollandicus) or parrots with reddish bellies (Neophema splendida). These birds are bigger and so naughty budgies can not “dance in the pan”. If you have a lot of birds in the cage together, it is very important that they have enough space to fly.
Also, when many species of birds live in the same cage, you should be careful if you want the breeding buds and the healthy growth of their chicks.
Birds often become quite aggressive when hatching their eggs. So do not forget to take a look here and there in the cage. If you notice that a capricious bird makes life difficult for the other roommates in the cage, you should catch it and take it out.
Do not forget that birds prefer to have company, so it would be good to have many birds together. And be sure that you will not be fed up with noticing the happy, lively movements of your colorful winged friends!