Curly Horses: Soooo cute – and the perfect allergic horses

Curly Horses: They don’t happen often – but they do exist. This is not a rare freak of nature, but a special breed. Your animal world introduces them. If you take it seriously, they are not only called Curly Horse but American Bashkir Curly Horse. The horses with the curly fur look at least as exotic as the breed sound fully written out.

The robust and nervous horses have their origins in North America. Contrary to what was initially assumed, Curly Horses are not related to the Bashkir horses from the Russian steppe. However, it is known that the Indian tribe’s Crow and Sioux tribes kept horses with curls as early as the beginning of the 19th century.

The origin of today’s curly

In 1898 the farm owner Peter Damele captured a wild horse in Nevada. The first Curlys were created by crossing ranch, Arab and wild horses. Your character is described as people-related, balanced, and friendly.

A dominant curl gene is responsible for the curls of American Curly Horses. This also ensures that the horse’s eyelashes are strongly curved. Even the hooves of the Curlys are mostly circular. Their eyes, on the other hand, are usually almond-shaped and narrow.

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The perfect allergy-free horse

Curly horses are exciting for allergy sufferers: Because what the Labradoodle is for allergic dog fans, the Curly Horse is for horse lovers who are allergic to the fur of ungulates. Due to the special texture, allergy sufferers do not react to the softly curled hair or the animals’ skin.

Disadvantage: no horse smell

But then there is one downer – at least if you love the smell of horses: Curly horses don’t smell like horses. Also, they sometimes lose their tail and mane when they change their coat. But don’t panic: Both will grow back again. Besides, the curly teddy fur dries out very quickly after a rain shower.

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